“The Island” Treasure and Beauty!

Hey friends!!!

In my last post I asked you to “stay tuned” so now I will continue sharing with you the fabulousness of my homeland Grenada.

On this excursion I visited a tiny island directly of Grenada named Hog Island, and boy was it beautiful!

You see, during my childhood days several families from our village used to take trips to “The Island”.

There was cooking, games, fishing, swimming, exploring and just plain old fun!!

So going back was sort of euphoric and nostalgic for me, and it did not disappoint! It is still a treasure to behold! Nature’s beauty at its best, and bright tropical colors everywhere!

I took pics of the absolutely breathtaking views and scenes.

Please, enjoy!!

Philippians 4:4 Rejoice in the Lord always; again I say rejoice!

4 responses to ““The Island” Treasure and Beauty!”

  1. What beautiful pictures Mrs. Thomas. Your country is beautiful!!! Thanks for sharing the experience with your Blogosphere. ~Ms. Jae


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